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Make sure your testers are at ease and have some context of the research. Go through your scenarios, probe and follow up with why.


Run through the test and prototypes with one of your team members to make sure they work flawlessly before running your session with participants.

For In-house sessions: Prepare to greet your tester 5-10 min before starting time.

For Remote sessions: Log on to your team's Screenhero account (or any other remote software that you use) a few minutes before schedule to avoid any technical hiccups.

During the interview


Set expectations with your participants about what they're here for today.See example text script below

Make it clear that you are not testing them, you are testing the prototype. Remind the tester not to worry about hurting our feelings, we are doing this to improve FreshBooks

Ask for concent record the session, so that you don't have to take notes. Then start recording the screen and audio.

Set testing scenerio

Give your participants a scenarios in which you want them to follow for the test.

For example: Imagine...

Guide your tester gently through the tasks listed in the test plan, giving them time and room to express their thoughts as they go through the tasks.


Remind your tester to think out loud if they forget.

Short silence is okay, sometimes the testers just need some time to process the information

Ask why, follow up with why again

Tester: "I see here that I can send my client a message right from the invoice, but I don’t think I want to do that."

You: "Why do you say that?"

Tester: "Because I just don’t think it’s professional enough."

You: "Why do you say that?"

Tester: "Well I just feel that a phone call or a written note is a lot more personable, you know?"

You: "Why is that important to you?"

Tester: " me, the customer is king, so any time I interact with my clients, I want them to feel special and cared for, so anything I can do to show that I’m clearly going out of my way to tend to them, I’m gonna do that.
Now we’re getting somewhere interesting. How can we use this insight to make our customers feel that our product is helping them treat their customer like kings and queens?)

Ask probing questions

  • What would you do next?
  • Why do you say that?
  • What do you expect to happen?

Ask leading questions

For example: "What did you have for breakfast today? Toast, or juice, or...?"

Use words that are present on the interface

For example: "How would you save this invoice?"