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After you've identified the users you want to recruit based on the Plan and Gather stages, it's time to find 4-8 users that align with the test hypothesis.

Who's involved:

  • UX Designer, Product Manger


  • 1-2 weeks prior to testing is preferable


  • Booked testing sessions with participants


Request a list of FreshBooks Customers

  • Ask your PM to find users that match your criteria for recruitment.
  • CSV files are usually the best for data pulls and should include at least a customer's First Name, Last Name, Email Address, FreshBooks Subdomain/SystemID and Country.

Upload your list of users into the UX Research MailChimp account

Create an e-mail template

  • MailChimp allows you to edit an email template, or select from existing FreshBooks templates.

Create a Campaign

  • In MailChimp, create a campaign to ] email your user group with that fancy new template you’ve created, you can choose to send it to your whole list in one fell swoop, or you can send it in stages to different segments!

Create Calendar Invites

  • Creating your own calendar invites are the best way to organize your sessions, and will allow you to share sessions with others easily (if desired).

Contact Your Participants

  • Call or email your participants at least the day before their session to confirm attendance (there is also a reminder sent automatically by YouCanBook.Me, but a personal reminder is always best and reduces dropouts).
  • you are conducting remote testing, make sure you send the participants invites/links to any software they may need.
  • Remind your participant that they should have received a link to an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) from YCBM. This must be signed before their session.